tantric relaxation
The press and Ayuneda
Union mai 2011

massage, relaxation Eastern. (taxiclic.com)
Tantric massage, Tantra, we are
from India where a philosophical and religious system has developed, Tantrism.
Tantra considers two essential principles to our world, a male principle,
static, and a feminine principle, dynamic. The world is a manifestation of
these two polarities. Opposes the night the day, the action at rest, the
profane to the sacred, etc. ... The union of two principles by the world,
sex is completely accepted in Tantra, tantric massage and aim to achieve
a fundamental union between man and woman, the two principles, and where
sexual desire is longer taboo, but must instead be developed. Tantric massage,
in line with other Eastern relaxation techniques, also aims to circulate
in the body's energies through us and are essential. The circulation of these
energies is vital to the well-being. As these massages are on the sensuality
and eroticism, it is difficult to find a home to these serious forms massages.
Behind the promise to make you discover new relaxation techniques, often
based business of soliciting and prostitution. There are several websites
that can help you find contacts and learn more about Tantra. www.ayuneda.com
of these sites is there, that paint a picture light. Also note forum.aufeminin,
several very interesting discussions have been conducted on the subject and
will also give you some resources.
Couples massage: the
art of sensual touch. (journalducouple.com)
If the relaxing massage is
no longer to prove its benefits, when practiced in the privacy of the couple,
are often ignored. One thing is certain, during a
unique moment, an ode to sensuality of the body. Frédéric
Mantha, coach relaxologue energy at home, sheds light on the issue.
At the heart of our societies in a hurry, under stress
every day, massage, traditional, Californian, shiatsu, and other Tantric, more
than ever on the rise. But more than a parade to daily
tension, massage, when performed in private, is proving to be a unique way to
explore and discover more about the body of his partner. "But
not only," insists, when we met, Frédéric Mantha, coach and masseur
energy at home, designer Ayuneda tantric relaxation. For
while it is undeniable that the couple's massage has a real dimension of sharing,
it allows, he said, before anything else, a real awareness of his own body. The
unique opportunity to (re) connect with oneself through the prism of love and
touch and access to a full interior, a sine qua non for harmony in the couple.
A quest for self-
Some might think, wrongly, that the couple massages are
just a prelude to the sexual act, a simple foreplay to stimulate the desire and
libido booster. As another means to fight against the monotony
or the erosion of the couple. Frédéric Mantha,
anxious to remain faithful to his convictions, passionate about this profession
whose dimension, for him, largely exceeds the mere sexual sphere, book at once
his views on the question: "massages, at least as I the
plans, are not intended to directly stimulate sexual desire, hence my reluctance
to talk about erotic massages. However, through a process of acceptance and awareness
of his own body, combined with a letting go an absolute
and awaken the senses, they allow the full development and are undeniably sexual
in nature sensual, even erotic. But this is just one of many consequences of
the practice of massage. "
The intimate massage would therefore especially first main
target, not the increase in sexual desire but rather the full knowledge of his
own body. A first step that can take over this body, to
do his own and has a significant impact on sexuality. Only
on this condition, it is possible to envision a free and fulfilling sex life. In
some cases, serious obstacles preventing such a development. "A
young woman of 35 years with no sexual experience, with cultural barriers, came
to me one day to overcome her fear of physical contact, says F. Mantha. This
was a real ordeal for her. Through the massage Energy,
it (re) took possession of his body and discovered a feminine ignored, repressed.
The mere fact of being massaged by a man and listen to your body talk to him
enough to restore confidence and overcome , at least in
part, fear related to sex. "
In this regard, the massage can also, in some cases, help
the healing of certain sexual dysfunctions (premature ejaculation, loss of libido,
frigidity ...) However, anxious to avoid any ambiguity, F. Mantha
said: "The energy massage, practiced within the couple or a professional, has
no therapeutic claims. Again, the healing of certain sexual dysfunctions can
actually occur, but it is only the result an awareness
of his body and greater self-acceptance in general. "
Giving yourself ...
To access the full individual, itself a guarantee of harmony
between the couple, it should also get rid of a number of automatic symptomatic
of our society. "Most of the time, said F. Mantha, partners,
lovers are awaiting permanent what the other wants, trying to anticipate, to
put themselves in place of another, to try to please him .
This approach, although natural, actually contributes to destroy the fun, creating
frustration and parasitize the exchange. "
He added: "What is needed is sent to get rid of all the
worries of performance and surrender to pleasure of massaging each other and
to that of being massaged. It let hand laid naturally and
open wide the door to the felt. It is also sometimes take the time to stop, put
his hand and watch the magic works, the communion that is created for itself .
Finally, it is understood, through the acceptance of his own body, the body of
another is not our only pleasure he receives from us. The pleasure is in everyone
and belongs to him. The romantic partner or the person
weight is really only the vehicle for that pleasure. He that mass may not hoping
for a massage exchange, it must give way entirely to the pleasure of massage.
Plaisir that are perceived to very intense when the massage
is performed without expectations, so without the possibility of frustration.
But he who is massaged, it must be free of the guilt of the pleasure he receives.
The communion of the body allows a free flow of energy common ".
This is where the massage would be an exchange. We
do not take pleasure in massaging each other just because we suppose it makes
her happy, or thinking at the time we make, is fun to rub each other because
the pleasure we truly transcends the contact.
Tantric massage, spirituality and ecology.(revistaepoca.globo.com)
Manthé uses massage and relaxation tantric for its customers to integrate
with spiritulité ecology.
Frédéric and Nathalie Vieyra, are professional masseurs.
The name of the work (Ayuneda tantric relaxation) is attractive: the objective
is, through the hands, to replace the stress, anxiety and guilt in a state of
serenity. "To preserve the planet, we must integrate the protection of the outside
world to our inner being," said Frederic.
[ Frederic Manthé usa a massagem e o relaxamento tântrico
para que seus pacientes possam integrar espiritualidade com ecologia.
Grupos espiritualistas e esotéricos também aproveitam da feira
verde. Nathalie Vieyra e Frederic Manthé são massagistas profissionais,
mas o tempero é oriental. O nome do trabalho (Relaxamento Tântrico
Ayuneda) é
apelativo: o objetivo é, através das mãos, substituir
o stress, a angústia e a culpa por um estado de serenidade. “Para
preservar o planeta, é preciso integrar a proteção do
mundo exterior com o nosso ser interior”, afirma Frederic. ]
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